Red Racquetballs I Need Help With A Logic Problem.?
I need help with a logic problem.? - red racquetballs
There are five houses. In each house lives a man with a particular nationality, a popular drink hos, his favorite game, and his own unusual pets.
1. There are five houses in a row, each with a different color.
2. The Englishman lives in the red house.
3. The green house is on the right side of the White House.
4. Italian is the owner of a puppy.
5. Lemonade stands in a green house drunk.
6. The Swedish coffee drinks.
7. The man who plays backgammon has a toad.
8. The man who touches the lives of racquetball in the yellow house.
9. The man in the middle house drinks milk.
10. Life in Russia, the first house.
11. Man beside the man, heaven and hell plays, has a camel.
12. The owner of a rat who lives next to the man who plays tennis.
13. The man who plays solitaire vodka.
14. The man who played charades, is an American.
15. The Russian lives next to the blue house.
With the information we have found the answer to these questions.
Question 1 Soft drinks, that man?
Question 2 This man has a spider monkey?
Five points for first correct answer!
I solved it.
These puzzles are quite fun to solve. It bears the nickname of "Einstein's Enigma" (or "Zebra Puzzle"), and whether Google bets that you instructions on how they should be addressed here.
A hint for this puzzle: it is difficult to determine the positions of the colorful houses. Start with this.
WARNING: Spoiler ahead!
Here is the complete list of all. It is a 5x5 table. The commas separate the columns.
Nationality: Russian, Swedish, English, Italian, American
Color: yellow, blue, red, white, green
Alcohol: [Diet soda], coffee, milk, vodka, lemonade
Game: Racquetball, yew, backgammon, solitaire, charades
Animal: Rat camel, frog, dog, [at]
(So is the answer to the first question, Russian, and the second question is American.)
Ok, this is not the answer ... yet. in working on it. This is confusing. I have a table and more than half of the information is not on! It's hard. but I'm interested. I like solving problems like these, but I do very often. If I give today. Do you need to know this answer for a particular day?
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